
great blog, your house looks cool!

Found This Painted That

IMG_0524 Here it is, my next big save from the thrift store.  I’ve been looking for some time for some sort of seat that was narrow enough to pass by, comfy enough to sit and put on your shoes, easy to look at and most important, as usual, CHEAP.  This one came with a delightful little bonus – storage!!  There are far too many shoes in this house, and honestly they aren’t even mine.  Honestly….

Here’s the before:


Here’s the bonus:


A cool $15.00 and she was mine.

Since it is made of vinyl and I did NOT want it to stay brown, I pulled out all the stops and purchased Rustoleum spray paint for plastic in flat white (4 coats – 2 cans – a darker colour would take less).  I considered painting the trim charcoal or even painting a monogram or graphic stencil on top, but I wasn’t really…

View original post 181 more words

Twisted bamboo to refresh a wall!

Whilst it was still warm in the city of Bristol, I decided it was way overdue the time to paint my front wall. I’d already got a big tin of Dulux Twisted Bamboo Weather Shield paint, (initially for the back of the house…. still waiting for that to be done)! Plus previously, (probably last year) I’d prepared the wall ie had scraped off the old paint and used Nitromors to remove the stubborn paint from the flagstones on top.

The paint was great, the wall was a little uneven which made the first coat a bit more work to do, but at least then the second coat was easier.

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Continue reading Twisted bamboo to refresh a wall!

Gin Face

Gin is fantastic!

Large G&T is always the best!

I enjoy a good G&T, so I thought I’d share some of my favourites. Both of types of gin, some pictures and my favourite Gin bloggers etc. I will be regularly updating this page with new gins that I try, other fun and fabulous gin sites and generally gin news!

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Types of Gin:

Hendricks – my favourite gin that I’ve found in the UK so far, expensive but distinctive. Served with cucumber. Wacky website! Around £27 a bottle, but always costs more in bars.

Gin Mare – Around £38 a bottle, yikes! Even more expensive than Hendricks and less available! Typical! I’ve yet to find it in UK pubs or clubs, which is a shame. It’s a Mediterranean styled gin that I like for it’s interesting flavour profile. With rosemary, thyme, olive, and basil all included in the mix, this is a gin that not only offers something different, but challenges the preconceptions of what gin should taste like.

Plymouth Gin – I drank this gin first in Plymouth, and this has to be on the list of great gins in respect of the great recently departed Lord Warleigh from Plymouth. Great taste, easy to drink and available in some bars (obviously more in Devon!!).  About £16 plus for a bottle.

Juniper Green Organic Gin – Got into this one several years ago, like the fact that it is organic and tastes great, quite heavy on the juniper berries, but then that is what gin is all about! Sensible price, availability again you have to look around for it. Available in most supermarkets, around £17. According to their website “The Soil Association, the premier authority responsible for certifying all things organic in the UK, has certified that Juniper Green is 100% organic. It contains absolutely nothing but the world’s finest organic grain, the purest water and a combination of 100% organic botanical herbs sourced from around the world.

Caorunn – Yet another Scottish gin has entered my top 10 list of favourite gins. Nice easy to drink gin, not sure how available in UK, once again my Ibiza trips have spoilt me for gin.  £27 upwards.

Pink 47 London Dry – Not tried this one yet, but do like the look of the bottle, which is based on the unique diamond shape inspired by the Khavarava pink diamond. Between £15 – 20, the description sounds great: Continue reading Gin Face

The Wonderful Team Member Readership Award


How lovely to be so new to Word Press and already receiving an Award!!

Award Rules:

1) The nominee shall display the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award logo on his/her blog.

2) The nominee shall nominate 14 bloggers s/he admires, over a period of 7 days, all at once or little by little, by linking to their blogs and informing them about it.

So, my nominees for this award go to the following interesting and varied blogs that I have enjoyed reading so far:


Gosh, that took a while to compile my list, but it does mean I am now following some really cool bloggers – thanks guys, looking forward to reading all of your blogs in the future.

Keep up the good work!
